Sunday, October 21, 2007

Can't Believe It's Been a Year

Well folks it's been a year since I first started this site, and here it is fall again my favorite time of the year. I spent most of the day driving in the country side because it happened to be a perfect 82 degrees with sunny skies. There's nothing like the colour of the trees in Canada during the fall. I was twisting and winding my way around some unknown roads, and wound up on some roads fit only for motor cross bikes and ATVs. What was I thinking?? these roads were to say the least station wagon unfriendly. I'm crawling along just praying I'll get the heck out of here soon...and with my car intact. I couldn't stop and take photos because the place was buzzing with motor cross racers, and ATVs coming at me from every direction. Just when I'm thinking the worst that I'll have to turn around and drive back out of this mess a friendly passer by acknowledged that the road out was just ahead....thank God! Once I got into a more station wagon friendly area I was able to snap a few shots. I enjoy having this site whether anyone reads it or not it's a great scrapbook...make that a picture scrapbook.


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